We invite You to participate in the 10th BBBB International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences!

Our team members help organize the 10th international BBBB Pharmacy Conference “Today’s science, tomorrow’s healthcare”, held at the V Spa Conference Center in Tartu, Estonia from September 12th to 14th, 2024.

The conference is organized by the Estonian Academic Society of Pharmacy and the Institute of Pharmacy.

The BBBB conference will cover scientific developments in the field of pharmacy, from drug candidate discovery to patient counseling. We welcome all those interested in these topics to participate and submit abstracts for the conference.

The submission for abstracts and images for the science gallery is open until the 15th of April 

More information about the conference, registration, and abstract submission can be found on the website www.bbbb2024.org and in the attached announcement.

We look forward to seeing You at the 10th BBBB conference!



Meie tiimi inimesed korraldavad rahvusvahelist BBBB farmaatsiakonverentsi!

12.-14. septembril 2024 toimub Tartus V Spa konverentsikeskuses kümnes rahvusvaheline BBBB farmaatsiakonverents “Today’s science, tomorrow’s healthcare”.

Konverentsi korraldavad Eesti Akadeemiline Farmaatsia Selts ja Tartu Ülikooli farmaatsia instituut.

BBBB konverentsil kajastab farmaatsia teadusarenguid kogu valdkonna ulatuses – alates  ravimikandidaatide avastamisest kuni patsientide nõustamiseni. Ootame osalema ning konverentsile teese esitama kõiki, kes antud teadus-suundade vastu huvi tunnevad.

Konverentsile teeside esitamine ning teadusgaleriile piltide esitamine on avatud 15.aprillini!

Täpsema info, registreerimise ja teeside esitamise leiab kodulehelt www.bbbb2024.org ja lingitud teadaandest.

Kohtumiseni BBBB konverentsil!